How to register an account

  • Hi, the Bacons main website is being rebuilt, we ask you to register your account once again, please mind services like Starbound are working independently of the website currently.

    Please Join Our Discord for Support & Questions, etc...


New member
Oct 2, 2020
I tried to join the Starbound server today (I was bored, and wanted to see what had happened in the half-year I had been gone) but was greeted with a weird message: we are not allowing clients without accounts. So, I went to the discord, looked in #support's pins (by coincidence) and apparently I had to come here to get an account. However, the exact site that the post pointed to seems to be dead. Where do I register now?
I tried joining again, without an account, and again, it doesn't work. I'd like to know how I can make an account, not how to play without one.
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Sorry can't help with that not a admin or mod and they don't really come on this website anymore try the discord
I tried logging in also, no luck with my old account or with no account. I'm not on the discord these days, but I might revisit soon. Bacons is a laid-back and fun server for this cute game. It just works.